Oh crap potty training.

I know potty training is mentioned soooo much on here. Its the stage we are at in our little ones lives though. I feel like it's never going to happen. I honestly blame myself as I know I should have started from the age of 2. We did get potty out sometimes but with him not talking it was just hard and he wasn't really understanding. Started communicating more few months before he turned 3. I've really concentrated on it today and he had just wee wee'd everywhere, apart from once or twice on potty, but coming to tell me where he's done it. I've tried not to be on top of him so just pottering about the house and gently reminding him. He knows wees and poos go in the potty but he's just watching himself wee instead of running to potty like he has done in the past. I've been saying gently wee wees go on potty and not on floor. He will say I know mammy and will then proceed to go to potty and do a wee. It's like he's forgotten the feeling of when it's going to happen if you get me. I was hoping to have a breakthrough by September but can't see it happening. His nursery is a send nursery so they are very understanding. I did purchase the oh crap potty training book and have read couple chapters. Does seem quite informative although also made me feel quite guilty. He's definitely ready , just lazy. Help 😬
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It’s not your fault! personally I’m glad I waited until 3 to potty train. You do what’s best for him. He will get it in his own time

@Catherine thanks lovely. It's such a hard stage haha xx

Chocolate buttons 😂

@Emily haha we reward him with an animal figure when he's done really well. Xx

My daughter is still not interested in the potty. She understands what the potty is etc, she just refuses to use it and will have a meltdown when I mention it. She’s awaiting an asd assessment, and just sees her wee wee as another water play 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 I feel guilty that we’ve not really started the training but I know she’s not ready yet 🥺 it’s so hard isn’t it xx

We had a very similar experience to what you're describing when we tried in May. After 4 days I called it quits. Will try again in a couple of months. He's my eldest so haven't done it before but from talking to others when they're truly ready it shouldn't feel that taxing. Be led by your child, he'll get there in his own time 😘

Maxi is nowhere near ready and even with other kids around him using the potty and the toilet he just has no concept… even when he’s done a poo in his nappy he doesn’t know he’s done it won’t tell us etc and when you ask him he flat out denies it! I’ve tried nappy free time with him and it was a disaster! Having potty trained hundreds of kids though childminding and preschool plus my own older 2 I know that it nothing I’ve done, something in his brain isn’t ready/making the connection. Preschool and HV have both mentioned that actually they’d be expecting him to show signs of readiness and even they agree that it’s not there, but also having the upcoming ASD assessment I feel like actually the pressure isn’t as much cos I have tried and failed several times now

@Chelsea ah bless her. Yes it is so hard xx

@Jessica thanks lovely. I know I'm not alone but it's nice to be reassured xx

@Laura poor maxi. Yes Oliver never tells me if hes done a poo. If i ask him he always says no. Although no can be his favourite word haha. He will wriggle about and on the odd occasion he will say to me, time to change olivers nappy now. Maybe it's just today where he's not really getting it and being lazy haha. We are going camping Friday for 4 nights so just going to go out the window again. Going to take potty with us but it's a different environment so might not work. I know we will get there eventually. He still has a dummy for bed time ..... but stopped asking for it on the odd occasion he has a nap so that's a win win. It's all just learning xx

Don’t feel guilty, it’s not your fault, I know it’s easier said than done especially when it’s your first child too. Lily isn’t potty trained yet, nowhere near ready she won’t tell us when she’s done a poo either, she’ll happily sit on the toilet/potty but doesn’t actually use it hoping once my eldest is in school from September I can fully focus on Lily and the potty training. It’s hard work trying to juggle it all don’t feel bad!xx Also we’re day 3 without the dummy now so we’ve tackled one thing for now!

@Kerrie yeah he loves sitting on the big boy toilet (with seat) before bath or shower. I get told off by him if I lift him on to it. He has to climb up himself haha. He wont use the normal toilet during day though which i thought might be better. Just potty. So his understanding is all there, but then there's days like today 🤔 xx yey to no dummy xx

@Ruth that’s still so good though, at least his showing part interest in it. It will come in time ❤️

@Kerrie thank you. Hopefully xx

My daughter didn’t show sign of readiness. She never told me if she went to toilet, her communication isn’t the best to be honest. She would always say no when I asked her if she had done a poo. She still isn’t telling us when she needs to go, I go by her physical signs 😅But she has had two dry days at nursery now

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I found the Oh crap book filled me full of guilt too after I read it but the basis of it is really helpful so I'd just focus on those bits. I know lots of mums who are only starting to potty train now at 3 so don't feel like it's just you, they are all ready at different times. Well done on reducing the dummy time down. My wee girl is potty trained but is still obsessed with her dummy & I'm dreading trying to remove it 🙈 There's always a battle with something x

@Linda mines still obsessed with her dummy too 😅 I just want her communication to get a little better first as it’s such a comfort for her and she gets so upset sometimes

@Linda I mean if he's so tired or under the weather he will prob ask for it during the day. So far so good though. Having another disastrous day. Poo and wee today. He's coming to tell me he's done it but not doing it on potty unless I tell him to🤦‍♀️ I was pegging washing out and he came to say mammy I'm soaked , I said oh no have you done wee wee. Go to potty. He did then brought potty to me to say look Mammy I did it 🤣🤣 xx

@Catherine totally agree. If Oliver really wanted it I would just give him it. As it Is comfort. But he stopped asking for it if wanted a nap so I just went with it xx

We tried and failed, so il just wait till he’s ready. Think I’m realising that I’m taking day nappies, swim nappies and night time nappies with us on holiday in a few weeks 🤪🤦🏻‍♀️ he was having meltdowns when I suggested the potty but at nursery he will happily try 🤷🏻‍♀️ hoping one day it will just click and he will be calm about it all

@Rachel ahhhh it's so stressful isn't it. All I've done is scrub floors this morning. He knows exactly what to do. Comes to tell me he's done it, but it isn't in potty 🤦‍♀️ apart from the odd wee, only because I've told him to go to potty. I've put a nappy back on him as family are coming round. He did a poo but denied it when I asked him , so he's not even telling me when he has filled his nappy. I know will suddenly click one day but feels like a life time away. Hope you have a lovely holiday. We are going camping tomorrow so it's going out the window again. Don't really want to give him a break as will just be back to square one again. Xx

Ur doing a great job! And it will be worth it all when he’s got the hang of it! Iv just been cleaning sick off the floor 👍🏼 I swear this is the 6th time this year he’s got a chesty cough 🤦🏻‍♀️ cough so much he throws up 😫

My Son was 3.5 before he was trained. I tried once before that and gave up after the first day 🤣 He didn't communicate with me until 3 and even then it was tricky to understand him. When I attempted again at 3.5 though he was properly trained in around a week and that was day and night- minimal effort. There is no point keep trying and trying and making yourself stressed over it when you could just wait. I definitely know the stresses though as you feel every child is trained apart from yours and you just want that part over with but if they're not ready, they're not ready 🤷🏼‍♀️ My daughter is trained 'enough'. She tells me and knows to wait for a toilet but we are still in the process of her being independent actually going by herself as she still relies on me. They all get there but on their own time schedule unfortunately!

P.S my 3yr old still cries for a bottle of milk for nap times/ bedtimes and basically when she's sad. I swapped it some months ago now to the next stage bottle which has a different teat so is not for newborns and called that a win. I'm personally not ready to give up my sanity for something so minor...also I had a dummy until I was 6 years old...which I think is crazy of my parents to allow but I don't have it now 🤪

@Rachel oh no bless him. Hope he feels better soon xx

@Peer95 haha love it. Thank you. Yeah I know we will get there. We have been camping for two nights , on to the next campsite for two nights (husbands marvellous idea , never again haha) Last night Oliver came to me and said mammy I've done a poo, it's stinky in my nappy. Change please. And he had !! I was so proud as he hasn't been telling me when he's pooed or weed. Our friends little girl is 2 and she always let's them know. So I think he has been watching and listening to her. This morning when he woke he said mammy I've done a wee, need changing now. 🥰

Ladies he's finally cracked it!!! One small accident in nursery today. Next step braving the leaving house without a pull up nappy. Still a little way to go but he's doing amazing for both wees and poos and In last few days he's been saying he needs to go 🙌🥰

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