Please don’t judge

I’m 37 weeks pregnant and haven’t gone to a doctor because I don’t have insurance or I didn’t think I did. I just found out I did. I tried to reach out to a doctor and they said that I was gonna have to fill out paperwork and coverage. Would have to wait to get approved because they’re gonna ask me questions like, why did I wait so long? I’m so scared I don’t want to get in trouble with child services . I’m in Ny/nj/ct area. I know you have to have a pediatrician in order to get cleared to leave the hospital. Has anybody ever given birth without insurance? I’m sorry I’m just freaking out. I’m not trying to be negligent. But I don’t want her taken away from me. I have a stable environment with a stable partner. I just made a silly mistake because I was afraid.
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Can you apply to get Medicaid? They should rush the process since you’re pregnant.


I have Medicaid what I’m scared of is when I called doctors they said that it would take 7 to 10 days to get approved and they’re gonna ask me questions like why I waited so long

I would apply for Medicaid instantly. And yes they will ask why.. but yes them hospitals are more expensive than the dr bills

It’s not a silly mistake failing to get insurance and a doctor to take care of your unborn baby. That’s neglect and you could lose your baby.

Pregnancy Medicaid!!! Today!!!! Seriously they will work quick. Call 211.

I didn’t have insurance until after I applied for Medicaid. I did not have a doctor of my own before going to my OB either. There shouldn’t be an issue especially if you tell them what happened. In my state, as long as you choose a pediatrician ahead of time then you’re fine. They won’t need to be told ahead of time and since mine isn’t in the vicinity of my hospital, my baby will be seen by the pediatrician assigned by the hospital before getting discharged. There should be some local nurse/family company that you can call to help/ask questions about your pregnancy. Look up Nurse Family Partnership! Or maybe your insurance has a head nurse for questions/referrals, mine offers this. Best of luck mama and congrats ❤️😊

Medicaid. I got signed up with my first at the hospital and so then I had it with my 2nd. It's the only insurance I have and it pays pretty much all of my costs. They will probably ask why but won't judge you, they will understand and work with you to get you the best care possible. Don't stress mama, it's not good for you or your baby.

They probably will ask why you waited so long. I didn’t go for the first 4 months or so of my pregnancy cause I didn’t have insurance at first either. They asked me on multiple visits, and also put a note on my papers as it was a preexisting condition or something. Try not to let it bother you though. I just simply told them I didn’t have insurance/didn’t feel the need to go. They don’t know your situation, and I don’t think it was being negligent. Some people never go to the doctor and give birth at home. I’m not sure what the laws are like where you’re at, but I think you should be fine. It’s just that the doctors want you going more often.

I would be very honest with them about why you waited. It’s so messed up that our medical system is so expensive that it causes people to be afraid to go to the doctor because of the bills to come. Also, if you are not taking prenatals, I would.

@Sharon thanks for the positivity. Feel free to keep unnecessary unproductive not helpful comments to yourself.

@Sharon she couldn't afford to people don't understand there's broke people out here and they still charge you alot which can lead to debt. How do you think they did it in the olden days ?? Unless there's an emergency and she's taking care of herself and taking prenatal, the baby is fine. The visits are 2 hours of waiting for a 3 min check!! And you are charged 400 dollars it's ridiculous .

There’s definitely no law that says you have to get prenatal care… Honestly, it’s just making sure that both you and the baby are doing OK and that both of you are healthy. Have you been feeling the baby move? How have you been feeling overall mama? if you have Medicaid, and you’ve already had it for a while even though you didn’t think you did you should not have to wait insurance wise to be seen …that part im confused with. You should be able to go see any OB as long as they take Medicaid. Also, be honest with them letting them know that because you didn’t think you had insurance that’s why you did not receive any prenatal Care. More than likely they’re gonna run a bunch of tests on both you and the baby just to make sure the both of you are doing well.

I mean the best thing you can do is go to the doctors that are in the hospital, because then you’re automatically covered like that. Hospitals do have doctors that you can go make visits for, if you can’t seem to find a doctor outside of the hospital, and don’t wanna wait for these things, they have OB/GYN & doctors appointments just contact your local hospital and ask and tell them that you’re on Medicaid and they will direct you to somebody, or call your Medicaid whatever insurance that you have and ask them about doctors and they will give it to you, and then all you would have to see if the doctors are taking new patients at that moment. I really think that you’re overthinking everything right now, but you have to think about what special for your baby, and this might be a lot easier than what you’re making it out to be, if you’re saying that you have insurance already, then you’re just one step away of getting to where you need to be.

I’m confused. You said you didn’t have insurance and then you said you just found out you did have insurance and now you are asking about giving birth without insurance. Do you or don’t you have insurance? It’s not a crime to not have an insurance and it’s also not against anything for not seeking medical treatment while pregnant. If you do in fact have insurance don’t delay any longer and fill out whatever paperwork necessary for your health and the baby’s health. If everything is stable in your life as you mentioned then you should have nothing to worry about. We all make mistakes, so fix it, learn from this experience, and move on :).

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The woman on here shaming is sick. Honestly, she doesn't have money, doesn't mean she doesn't have a nursey set up, has been taking prenatals, or would go in if there were any signs of preterm labor, etc. You are just being judgy and unkind asf ! When she said she doesn't have money for the clinic etc. It's expensive everyone is going through a hard time in this economy doing the best they can. Damn how about treat others the way you want to be treated!

You automatically are covered since you are pregnant. If you need help going through the process message me.

@Janni ❤️ girl you don’t have to tell me. I just gave birth 8m and I know it’s expensive. I was EXPRESSING an opinion and I was not yelling at her or telling her she’s a bad mom. lol sooooo chill out. I was just stating it baffles me. Having a kid is expensive in general. It just baffles me. That’s all o was saying so you can take your yelling elsewhere cuz there are other women on here who said worse than I did. So move on.

I know you’re scared of the dreaded question “why did you wait so long” but just focus on the fact that you’re here now. That’s really all that matters because there’s no going back and changing the past. If need be and they ask you that question just let them know hey, I am here now. Better to show up than not at all and waiting until actual labor! They have no right to judge because they know nothing of what is going on and neither do we.

@Janni ❤️ thank you. I have a nursery I’ve been eating amazing prenatal exercising took a birth class and consulted with a doula. I have everything I need for after she’s here. Just need to get prepared the right way !

@BADASSSSSS MOMMA this was really helpful and I appreciate your kindness more than you know.

@Sharon, did I even tag you? No, if you think my comment was for you, then that means you have the problem with being unkind, not me. Also, yelling through text isn't a thing.

@Tori unsolicited advice cause she didn't ask for it.

@Tori 🤣🤣🤣😂 Yes, it is she 100% asked people not to judge and only for insurance advice, but you came with unsolicited advice and opinions. And now you are throwing around child abuse. There's literally no child to abuse it's a fetus. In no way did she neglect the fetus (baby) she been taking prenatal and consulting a doula. And has everything set up for her baby besides delivery doctor and insurance. Which doesn't matter. Really, it's law they have to deliver the baby regardless. Prenatal visits aren't a requirement it's recommended. Neglect would be to not even take prenatal or consult anyone. You just assumed.

Thank you to anybody that’s been helpful and kind. This is not been easy for me and I really do just want what’s best for my baby. I did think at one point I wanted to do an all natural whatever but now that I’m getting closer, I realized I wanted to explore alternative options and this was one of them again I appreciate all the support. Truly you women are amazing.

@Jeylynn they have elected places you can go to where you can see three deer for the ultrasounds. All you have to do is pay 70 bucks.

@Tori being babied ? Aren’t mother supposed to be kind and understanding there’s a difference between being babied and making excuses or plainly asking for help which is all that I was doing

A word of the wise to you if you don’t have anything productive to add, just don’t talk. The last thing anyone needs during pregnancy is a Karen with feedback that isn’t productive.

@Tori both parts of this argument can be true, but at the end of the day, state health care exists for a reason. And a multitude of things can go wrong during a pregnancy even without you knowing. Heaven forbid she needed a rhogam shot or something, which cant be figured out without a blood test thats done at a drs office. It's understandable to be scared of the outcome but as parents we have to face the hard stuff and do what's best for our children.

@Alyssa You are speaking straight facts!! It's clear people do not understand. That women have been giving birth in 3rd world countries with a lot less for generations. Not to mention, we have the highest mortality rate of mom and baby in a developed country.

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@Janni ❤️ I can also make the assumption based on lack of parental care on a lot more things going on

@Alyssa a lot of pregnancies also go well until a defect or something worse happens to the child or fetus

@Jeylynn Why even jump into a conversation that you aren't a part of mind your business.

I am extremely supportive and kind but also the opposite when needed I go based on the circumstance

@Jeylynn Ah ok so she's your friend, not my fault she's uneducated.

@Jeylynn girl I did what I could , if you’re not going to give me any feedback then go take care of your child and stop trying to be a bitch to me

@Alyssa THANK YOU.

@Jeylynn I really hope someone treats you or your children the way you’re treating me right now. Cheers.

When I got pregnant with twins I was on Medicaid I was living in Louisiana but a few months later I moved to Arizona. It was hard for me to get health insurance when I moved so I just went to a hospital to get checked out and I told them my situation. They told me to come back again for another check up if needed. You could of just went to a hospital to get checked out they just bill you later and half the time ppl don't even pay for hospital visits. When I did get admitted to hospital they helped me get in insurance through the state and I stayed in hospital for almost two months before twins was born because having identical twins are high risk and you have to be monitored. Also you could of paid to get ultrasounds done by a business. I couldn't image being pregnant and not having any ultrasound pics.

@Marcie I did pay to get ultrasounds done.

TO EVERYONE ON HERE: I am trying my best and trying to do right now you can yell at me for my past actions, but I am asking for assistance moving forward so if you’re not going to give that please refrain

@Jeylynn clearly you do if you’re still commenting.

There are women who didn’t know they were expecting until they were about ready to have their baby. A distant cousin of mine was called Turd most of his life because he was literally born in a toilet (His mother didn’t know she was pregnant, thought she needed to use the bathroom and had a baby boy. She called her husband in to see and made a comment that surely the turd wasn’t that big, and even though they gave him an actual name, Turd stuck. lol) So is there any way to make it seem like you didn’t know?

@Jeylynn simple Google search to know you are wrong. complications happen regardless of supervision or not.

@Amy 🤣🤣🤣😂 this actually made me laugh so hard !

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If you have Medicaid, why do you need to be approved? Approved for what?

@Janni ❤️ my grandma (80 years old) told me they have 1 doctors appointment and that is when the baby was born. They didn’t have all these appointments and testing she was baffled when she found out. It baffled me right back cause I had no idea lol

@Candice Excatly what my mom told me she has 5 kids to she delivered at home under a doula.

@Janni ❤️ my mom has 5 girls and she nearly lost my little sister not going to the dr. Had she had went she would of seen that she had a slow leak in her amniotic fluid her and my baby sister caught an infection and my little sister was in the nicu for a year

@Jacqui it's almost like survivors bias is a thing...crazy right

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