"Christmas baby"

(18wks due December 28th)I am having trouble not getting irritated when people say my baby is going to be a Christmas baby. I know people are just excited because they think it's adorable like" oh if you get induced early the baby will be born on or after Christmas" I just can't help worry about my babys birthday being ignored because of Christmas. I am I just over reacting?
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Same wit me we got the same due date

I mean yeah I get it ! But when baby is older they will see it as double the gifts 🫶

My sister was born on Christmas, we’ve always made her feel special for her birthday and she kinda likes it 💙 she’s 8 ☺️ don’t worry too much momma

My due date is December 24th and I really don’t want my baby to be born that day So i talked to my doctor and she told me she can induced me a week or 2 weeks before due date

I personally have a Christmas birthday .. and I’m due the 16th.. I’m not happy about it.. I never wanted to do this to a child .. as growing up everyone always forgot my birthday or lumped my gifts with Christmas and it was hard as a kid. I’m just going to try my absolute best to separate the two days and not let others in my life squish the two days together if that makes sense. Basically going to make a huge deal for my baby’s birthday and try not to focus on Christmas as much. I hear your pain! You’re not over reacting!!

I feel this- due date the 31st but we’re actually trying for the 28th induction because of insurance but also it’d be cool to have our kiddos exactly 18 months apart😅 But also sooo many Christmas babies comments have been a thing 😅 My hubby was born Nov 30th and everyone lumps his bday in with Thanksgiving- which, okay. But I try to atleast keep his day special. He definitely doesn’t mind- thanksgiving is his favorite holiday and to have his bday around that time is like a win win for him 😅 I’m not too worried about a Christmas or NYE baby…but the comments do get annoying 😅

My due date is 12/20 so I’ve been getting those comments too, however due to circumstance I’m Having a planned repeat c section during 39 weeks, so I can at least separate her birthday from Christmas and she can have her special day. Whenever someone says “Christmas baby” I always say “Nope, she’ll just be a baby.” I won’t have my baby’s birthday lumped into Christmas because of how close it is. She deserves her special day.

You could always do something special, like start a new tradition where you celebrate their half birthday! I know it’s not the same, but it might be a fun way to make them feel special ☺️

My dad’s birthday is the day after Christmas. We have always made a point to get him separate gifts wrapped in birthday paper, a cake, and did something that he wanted to do (usually this was lunch or dinner at his place of choosing). He grew up poor and his mother always gave him combo birthday/Christmas gifts wrapped in Christmas paper which he always then felt forgotten about.

I’m due December 15th and I honestly don’t mind them saying it. It doesn’t bother me. I’m just more worried because our first born is in October and now this one is in December. Busy end of the year for us 😅

I’m due 12/20 and I’m having a c section what irritates me the most is my family knowing the trauma I had my first time around and jokingly they say “omg you should schedule your c section after your due date so it’s a Christmas baby” like…?? Why would I possibly go into labor and go through what I went through again? They like “oh righttt…” so I find being direct really makes people realize that they’re doing the most and then they kind of back off.

@Adriana if you don’t mind me asking what was the reason for yor c section?

@Amaya I had a very bad birthing experience with my last baby. I’m currently in postpartum therapy and went through a lot of PPD and PPA so I feel safest knowing the plan going in instead of trying again and going through it again. For my first, we didn’t know she was almost 10lbs. I stopped at 5cm, her head was tilted, and she was sunny side up so I had back labor pain instead of regular labor. I ended up having a 36 hour labor with 4/5 epidurals, 2 times given fentanyl, before going into the c section and once morphine afterwards because I was feeling extreme pain from my incision that I passed out(I blame everything I was pumped with for 36hours) . I don’t want to have all that happen again.

Me too

My due date is December 23rd which is funny because my mom always told me growing up to not have a December baby so when we found out the due date, we were laughing. We have a plan to celebrate the half birthday if plans start to not work out or if we feel like they are being under appreciated around the holiday

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I hear you! I’m due on 12/27. My plan is to give their birthday it’s due attention but also plan a separate birthday celebration after new years where we can go all out and make it special… so essentially they get a bonus birthday!

The chances of you going before your due date are slim, it’s probably more of a nye baby. And regardless you’ll make their birthday special!

Try being due on dec 25th💔😭

but i very much feel you. just hoping she comes a little early or a little late. but if not and it’s pushing close to the christmas, it’s ok, they will be loved all the same!

We got the same thing with the due date. Due date is the 21st and I went over by 6days last pregnancy so everyone thinks it will be a Christmas baby. I don’t mind because they’ll be be born when they’re born but I can definitely see how it could be irritating. Especially if they think they’ll be able to lump the birthday with Christmas later in

My son is due December 26th. I have a brother whose birthday is Christmas Eve. I definitely understand. We are scheduling a c section a week early

So with my first by ny dates her due date would've been the 28th. After the first scan it moved to the 27th . I went in labor on the 29th and she was born on the 30th. Most first time babies are late. You haven't got to have an induction. The one I'm pregnant with now os due on the 12th December and the one I lost was the 18th. I apparently can only make December babies lol

I'm due on Christmas Day and I feel this in my soul! I'm so worried his birthday will be overshadowed or forgotten by others but my husband and I agreed to make sure it's special for him every year. Plus with this being my first pregnancy I doubt he'll come on his due date.

My baby is due December 3rd and literally EVERYONE keeps telling me that I’m going to have a Christmas baby… please explain to me how?!?

Not over reacting. I feel this so much. My due dates on the 15th & everyone keeps saying Christmas baby and I’m like go away lol.

You are not overreacting! Even when people have nice intentions so many comments during pregnancy can be irritating and hurtful or just plain annoying. Especially when they are talking about potential birth scenarios for YOUR baby! I am due December 2nd but will be having a C-section on or before 39 weeks (Thanksgiving?!). My silver lining is I will not have to attend any large family holiday gatherings or worry about splitting time accordingly on either side—love all of my family but looking forward to a zero travel holiday season… even with a newborn and toddler ;-) Also, no matter when your baby is born you will never ignore it and will always make it special and that’s all that matters ♥️

@Diana I’m having a scheduled C-Section for 39 weeks as well!! She won’t be a Thanksgiving baby but at least she won’t be a Christmas baby either 😮‍💨

Due dec 27th and plan to make a big deal of their birthday cause I’m worried about that too and I will not let it happen! They still deserve their day! Also told everyone that’s what they are getting for Christmas this year 😂❤️

I’m due Dec 28 too! And I feel the same way; my bday is actually Dec 31 and I really wish it were not so close to Christmas. All my life I’ve gotten single presents for both events (which really stung as a kid watching all my friends get presents at other times of the year for their birthdays), and everyone is fully burned out from the holidays, and often out of town visiting family, not to mention busy getting excited for New Years. My birthday is just completely overshadowed by it all. I’m super hoping my baby will come late so he doesn’t have the same experience!

People just say it's a christmas baby because it's December. It doesn't mean they hope you go into labor early. We call mine a Christmas baby and my due date is dec 7th. Just means he will be here in time for Christmas

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Due Dec 23. Husband wants to celebrate baby’s half birthday in June, Grandpa hopes baby is late so they share a Boxing Day bday.

Thank you all for the suggestions and ideas for celebrating! And the knowing I am not alone in that feeling of worry

My baby is due December 21! Which is one of my favorite days of the year! ( the winter solstice!) so I feel like I got a wink from the universe for that! 😍 We are planning on celebrating her birthday separately from Christmas every year! Maybe first week of December or I have a friend that suggested celebrating half birthday! So we would celebrate in June! Hope this helps! @Britny

My due date is December 26th. I definitely feel the same. Especially because we don't celebrate anymore.

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