Maternity leave

How soon before your due date do you usually go off on maternity leave?
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I am due in 9th of Oct and will start from middle of August with holidays then maternity

Military so my maternity starts the day I leave hospital

Depends on what u do for work za I’m in nursing and I went at 35 weeks if u want to go past that u need a letter , my friend in realestate went at 39 weeks - different work places will have different guides / policies regarding this

My place of work required me to work until I gave birth lol then when I gave birth I had to notify them and my leave began

I officially went on mat leave at 38weeks I had 2 weeks holiday to use them before xx

I went 2 weeks before my due date. I spent the first week off tidying and making sure everything was sorted in the house, the second week I batched cooked some meals and just relaxed. She then was a week late so spent the 3rd week trying everything under the sun to get her to come 😂

I left at 35 weeks

I worked until my induction. I was scheduled to come to the hospital at 9pm and worked all day until we closed. went home to have my hair braided and then my husband and I went back to the hospital (I work there)

I start mine at 37 weeks

38 weeks exactly, went into labour 38+5, daughter born 38+6. Had assumed she’d be late being a first.

I left at 36 weeks, company policy where I am is you have to go on leave at the very latest 2 weeks before your due date and then I had annual leave to take

I was due to stop at 39 weeks however ended up needing to be induced so worked right up till I had baby. My thinking was less time off before baby = more time off paid once baby here

It’s entirely up to you and it varies according to the nature of people’s commute and job how long they think they can work for. I started my maternity leave at 37 weeks and it was perfect for me (secondary school teacher). If I had an office job I probably could have worked another week or so. Baby was born at 38 weeks anyway so it was nice to get a bit of downtime before he was born 😊

I finished at 35wks with my daughter, also planning my maternity to kick in at 35wks with this baby, however I have quite a bit of holidays to be used so taking them before - I'll be finishing around 32wks due to this x

Depends how you feel but I took annual leave the week before my due date and worked at home the week before that. I get 6mths full pay so wanted that to kick in with baby from arrival. Baby was 6 days late but worked out perfectly. Had a lovely run up, lots of dinners out, walks, films on the sofa, nesting - it was such a special week for us as a couple

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With my first I used holiday from 36-40 weeks and started maternity on my due date, but it was during covid so I actually ended up being furloughed from 20 weeks and didn’t go back until baby was 9 months! My second I used holiday from 32-36 weeks and then started maternity then. I’m a hairdresser and found being on my feet all day when I got bigger really rough, even when I was pregnant first time and furloughed I couldn’t stand for very long at the end which is why I went off sooner second time round.

I went off at 36 weeks and gave birth at 37 xx

End of sept I’ll be 34 weeks got holiday to take them maternity starts 25/10 x

I was due to start maternity leave at 39+4 (a Sunday so last day of work being 39+2). Left work on 38+5 none the wiser that 5 hours later I'd be going into labour and less than 24 hours later I'd have my baby 😂 so my maternity leave officially started '39 weeks' the day after I gave birth. I wish I'd had some time before to rest/prepare but I wanted as long off paid after having baby as possible.

I'm a caregiver, and my due date was July 7th, so I was going to work till July 6th, but baby decided to come on July 1st, so my last day at work was June 30th.

I'm due 12th December but undecided whether I'm going ti go for an elective section this time round. If I do it'll be a week earlier. So I'll.prbablt go off mid November just to get everything ready as i have a toddler aswell that slows things down but I also have physical job

I was 35+3 was going to go for 36weeks but I didn’t want the summer hols at work😂 I’m glad that I went earlier than some people though. I am now very uncomfortable and so tired. I’m now 36+6 btw

Depends on your job and how long you get, I finished 2 weeks before my due date and am taking a year off. It was perfect for me as I got some time to relax, do some final prep and I went into labour the day before my due date. I’d have hated wasting another two weeks if I was overdue though.

I’m a HCA and went off at 34 weeks however my maternity didn’t start until I was 36 weeks as I had some holiday to use first x

Depends on your job,when you are due and how your pregnancy is going tbh. I work in a schoo as a nurse so I'm on school holidays atm. I'm going on mat leave at 38 weeks the day inset days start, but I think if I was still working in the NHS, I'd be going sooner

I was 38 weeks pregnant, working 50 hours a week In a nursery baby room, not sure how I survived 😂 but deffo wanted longer afterwards.

My maternity started on the 15th of April and I delivered my baby on the 28th of May, her due date

I was due to go on leave at 38 weeks. Little man decided to arrive at 36+2 so any plans I had for relaxing before he came went right out the window! 😂😂

I started mine at 38 weeks to give myself 2 weeks to prepare and relax but my waters broke on my first day of maternity and he was here within 2 days 😂

I went off at 38 weeks but I used 2 weeks holiday and started my maternity leave 2 days before my due date. My little one was born on his due date so it worked out perfectly x

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I Worked until 39 weeks. It was hard bc I wanted to give up and stay home way before.

A day before because I was induced

I was due to leave at 38 weeks however I didn't make it that far and I was still at work when my waters went and I literally left work and drove straight to hospital. I would go a few weeks earlier next time though.

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