pp sex

when it comes to that 6 week PP first fuck, did y'all wear condoms? my boyfriend reluctantly wants to wear condoms once we can have sex again, and deep down i know i want to also to avoid any siblings so quick lol. i just hate the idea of us not being able to fully feel eachother 😭 i prob won't start on birth control just yet, and i only breast feed here and there. i know condoms are our best bet, i just need someone to tell me it'll still feel normal i guess? idek what im trying to ask lmao
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Ur body ur choice he has to respect it because if u give in to not wearing condoms than he has the control. Ur one who might get pregnant again ur the one who just pushed out a whole human from ur vagina that stretched 10cm it’s going to be ur body that’s going Thur all these changes and all these adjustments so do what makes u comfortable 🙏🏾🙏🏾

I waited way longer than 6 weeks and got on the pill fully before we tried to have sex. It hurt really bad until I was about 10 months pp and I had to stop the pills because they were giving me atrophic vaginitis. I'm not trying to scare you just be prepared for it to not feel good for a while. I also don't like condoms for the same reasons you don't and I'm opting for the IUD after I have the baby I'm pregnant with now.

i’m not back on birth control yet so we use condoms.. i feel like they’re super thin it doesn’t feel crazy different, plus we aren’t trying to accidentally have another baby any time soon. i think it’ll still feel normal and i understand not being “as close” as before but maybe just throw in a little extra foreplay? that’s helped us hehe best of luck!! ❤️

We cycle track and use condoms when I'm near ovulation! I track my cycle via the Oura Ring which takes my temp every morning.

Yes we did

We used condoms until my period came back ~5months and i track my cycle again.

if you don’t want another baby or to go on birth control, then condoms are definitely the way to go. me and my partner don’t like using condoms, never have BUT we do use them now i’m postpartum because we have 2 children under 2 and we know we don’t want anymore children. he’s having a vasectomy next month too 😂

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