Who handles the finances?

Are you a SAHM or do you work also? Who takes care of all the finances or is it 50/50? Just curious
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I’m a SAHM and I handle the finances. Husband puts 95% or his pay into a joint account and I pay all the bills and expenses from that account. Other 5% is his spending money how he sees fit. If he ever wants to, he can see exactly where the money goes, but I’m in charge of it 100%.

We have a join account but I handle the budget I work and so does he

so i’m a traditional japanese stay at home mom/wife! my husband works and gives me his entire paycheck. i divide it into what we need for spending, groceries, savings etc and then i give him a percentage of it as an allowance to spend on whatever he wants

I work as well but we've always done finances jointly, even when I was unemployed for a time at the beginning of COVID.

I'm a sahm. I handle the finances as far as balancing the checkbook and splitting things up (we do partial envelope system) but we have a budget that we worked on and update together as needed.

We both work and our expenses are divided based on specific bills and each other’s salaries. We evaluate whenever either of us ask for one.

I’ve done all the roles, main breadwinner, partime working and SAHM Mum. The way we deal with finances has never changed. It all goes into our joint account, then gets divided into savings, bills, food and allowances from that account. Our allowances are based on our need eg memberships, clothing, hair etc. My allowance is usually higher as it’s more expensive being a female with bras, hair and makeup.

We both work full time. We pay for the house, joint child, and household expenses 50/50. I manage that. Any other personal credit cards, cell phones, outside children, etc are handled independently.

SAHM We have a joint account and He pays all the bills I would like to learn to budge better I’m terrible at it 😂

We have a joint account and then both have a “play account” that a certain amount of money (the same amount for both of us) goes into each month. Most things are set up to auto pay, but my husband mostly deals with it all because I don’t want to

I’m a SAHM. My husband works but he sends me his paycheques and I take care of the finances.

Both of us WFH but Hubby handles the finances because I’m a spender-lol. I have access to everything and we discuss finances regularly but he makes sure all the bills are paid on time from our joint acct.

We have a joint account that we both put $ in monthly. He contributes double since I make less. Hubby pays almost everything except for the things that I buy like kids clothings, my online shoppings and meals by myself.

My husband is 90% of the income. I'm mostly home. I do the bills but to me it is whoever is good at it. My husband sucks at paying things on time and has no idea how to sort out what to pay and when. If you're the stay at home parent but you suck horribly with money, the other person should handle it. He recently got a new car. I picked the car, the price, the insurance, etc. he still managed to go in and f it up a little 😅 but he got mostly the right stuff

Thank you for replying everyone!

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