Copper coil

Please can anyone give me their honest experience with the copper coil? I’m on the pill atm but my body’s not agreeing with it and I’ve bled for the last 11 weeks. It’s making me foul! I’m considering the copper coil as I like the no hormones side of it but I’ve also hear horror stories about it and the fitting it process. Please be honest as my appointment is soon approaching and I want to make an informed decision before that. TIA
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I have had 4 copper coils now and loved each one. It took a couple months to settle originally but never had any issues. Never knew it was there and never had any side effects. Reason I went on the copper coil is the pill/ mini pill just didn't agree with me at all.

It didn’t work for me. The insertion was uncomfortable and the aftermath like bad period pains. Then whilst it was in, my periods were very heavy and more painful and after sex it felt uncomfortable too.. I had it for about 7 months before I had it taken out. I also didn’t want contraception with hormones x

I had the copper coil and ended up in hospital 3 times


I had one for 4 years and I loved it, I didn’t personally notice much difference in my periods besides a little bit heavier cramping but I’ve always had a heavy flow. Xx

I’ve had two and I’m a fan

I have had the copper coil since the start of February I love it and can’t tell it was there and didn’t find it uncomfortable when fitted x

I’ve had a copper coil for about a year and next week am having it replaced with a Mirena coil as I’m not happy with it, my periods are heavier, my cycle is shorter so I’m only getting 2 weeks break before I’m bleeding again! The mirena has a small amount of hormone- less than the pill and most women get very light periods with it. (According to my gp) The fitting of the copper coil was fine, no difference to a smear test however an hour later it was very crampy and uncomfortable and that lasted about 3 hours. I then bled for about 6 weeks (just a small amount) while it settled in.

Hey! I’ve had the pill, implant and the copper coil. The copper coil was definitely the best one for me as it hasn’t affected my mental health like the implant did🙈 the insertion wasn’t so bad, I took paracetamol an hour beforehand (as advised) and I had food and drink after as it was a weird feeling, but it felt like a smear to me. My periods have been heavier, but not that long - 3 or 4 days. Only downside? I fell pregnant after having it a year😂😂 I’ve heard of people falling pregnant because it migrated etc.. mine was right in place with a 8 week baby next to it thriving 😂 had no symptoms at all.. so wild🙃x

I've only had mine in for a week so far - the insertion was painful but it's over in 5 mins and the coil lasts for 5 or 10 years. I had mine put in at 8 weeks postpartum (I've had 2 vaginal births) and the doctor said it can be more painful if you've recently had a baby as obviously everything is still healing and sensitive etc. So might not be so painful if you have it done at a different time. I had period cramps the first day or so and light spotting for 3-4 days. Otherwise fine, I can't feel it at all now and I haven't had any side effects yet. One thing to bare in mind is there can be a long waiting list to get one - it's around 6 months wait in my area. Oh and also I got really dizzy and faint after the insertion which is apparently a fairly common side effect so they may make you sit in the waiting room for a bit afterwards to make sure you're OK.

When I had mine inserted I went to the gym after… I felt absolutely fine and it didn’t hurt me. I have heavy periods anyways that last 7days naturally and for 5 months after it was put in they were even heavier/ I got worse cramps but that got better. I did have PCOS though at the time. (Apparently I no longer have cysts on my ovaries since being pregnant- madness). However, it’s the only thing that’s worked for me, everything else has given me loads of side effects. So, getting it put back in after baby’s here x

Thank you all so much! I think the only way I’m going to know is by trialling it myself xx

I had the copper coil fitted today and it wasn’t painful at all just uncomfortable when the spectrum was in! My doctors used numbing spray which was a godsend x

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