How do you know if you’re done having babies?

I’m a SAH mama to 3, ages 6,3, and 18mo. My husband and I keep going back and forth on if we want to have one more baby or be done with this chapter. We’re really at a turning point in our lives where we need more income so trying to figure out if that means a career change for my husband or some kind of WFH side hustle for me. I don’t want this to be a reason we don’t have another baby and regret it down the line but also don’t want to add more stress to our situation right now… Any other mamas that were on the fence about having another? How did you decide when to be done?
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Same! I’m a SAHM as well as sometimes I’m not sure if I’m up for the job 😵‍💫 otherwise I would love to be pregnant again and have another

SAHM Here also. For me it’s a matter of mental load. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and twin girls coming in July and I’m Already terrified about how I’m going to manage 3. As soon as this pregnancy started I knew I was done mentally and physically with anymore after this. I never want to be pregnant again and crawling around cleaning up after other kids at the same time. That’s to much for me personally. But what I’ve always been told is that if you’re on the fence, you’re not done. Everyone has always told Me when you’re done you will “just know” and I dont know how else to explain the feeling but it’s totally True. Sorry if that’s unhelpful. Good luck!

Thank you for asking this. I was trying to figure out the same thing. SAHM with 2 beautiful girls soon to be 3 and 5. I feel like something is missing, but our house is too small for another baby. I also worry that having another baby will take away from time with the other much mom guilt over something that should be so simple. If you have the love to give, then give it is where I think I am.

If it’s financial reasons I wouldn’t add the stress of another baby tbh. It could put a strain on your marriage by adding more of a work load to either of you. If you are still pretty young there’s always time for another baby down the line. Or other ways to expand your family. I’m a SAHM and for me it’s the mental load of babies. I know I don’t want anymore babies for at least 10yrs. I want to enjoy my babies I have now and enjoy some freedom for myself. For me after my second I knew I was done for awhile. It wasn’t something I had to think about tbh. I have 2 under 2 though so that plays a major part on my why. I hope you are able to figure it out!!

@Meagan agreed!! With my second I literally just knew I was done for a while. It was too much mentally.

I would think that if you’re debating then that means you aren’t done. What I hear from tons of people is they know they are done they feel complete. They don’t debate on having another one. You don’t have to have another right now but maybe in a few years when life is a little less stressful. But also maybe your husband could look into other jobs and see what he finds

@Jameseonna yes. Like I had to have a Csection with my first and since I’m having two this time I’m opting for another instead of trying for a vbac especially since only one of my twins is head down and the other has been transverse my entire pregnancy. my husband and I decided that if they have to be in there anyway I might as well tie my tubes because I am DONE. 3 is my limit. 😂

I know it sounds silly, however, I knew when I "felt" done. We had 3 and I never felt done, I always felt like something was missing. After 10 years, we had # 4 then a year later #5. I didn't get it before when someone said I would know, but I did.

I was told if you are debating it then you aren’t done yet.

I knew after our second that we were done building our family. Then since i still wanted to be pregnant i became a surrogate to help others have a family. Idk how to explain it but sometimes you just know.

my health kind of made the choice for us. my second pregnancy was a molar which can cause cancer. each additional pregnancy for me increases likelihood of another molar. each molar increases cancer risk. so for us that was the number one cause. it felt devastating at the time but looking back I don't think we could have handled more than one after all.

Sahm of 4 (14,7,5 and 1) we are done done. My last pregnancy ended having an emergency c section baby coming at 34 weeks. And many complications, I was in the hospital for a month after delivery I was passing out left thru right in hospital my blood pressure was thru the roof giving me so many meds trying to prevent me from possibly having a seizure. It was a horrible scary situation What I went thru with my last I don’t want to put my body thru that again. And I had c section it’s been a year now and I still go to pt still😩

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