No judgement please - having a boy after a girl

I’ve just found out I’m having a boy after a girl and i am partly excited and partly apprehensive. I don’t have any males in my family and with my first baby girl it felt so natural. This time round I don’t know what to expect! I think I wanted to replicate what I had with my first baby girl but now I know this experience will be totally different it’s thrown me for 6. I am in the mind frame of we are lucky to have one of each, but I desperately wanted a girl to give my little girl a best friend to play with. And now it’s made me think I want to try for baby number 3 after baby boy is here in the hopes I get my 2nd girl which I know will complete my family. The problem is my partner doesn’t want 3 kids (although he is adamant about this, I’m not sure if there may be room to budge) Do you think this is just me being nervous for baby boy and one he is here I will feel less needy for a girl, and it’s just that it’s all I’ve known and wanting to re create that experience again, or do you think I do actually want to try again for a girl to complete our family. How do you ever know?! I hope someone understands what I’m trying to say and it doesn’t come across misconstrued as I am just in shock at the moment.
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I was exactly the same, I got it in my head it’d be lovely to have two girls even though I’ve always wanted one of each… I think part of my disappointment was my partner kinda said if we have one of each he’s happy stopping and not having any more so it’s got the layer of this will be the last baby I have too (same as you may be room to budge). I know lots of people that are super close to their brothers though and I’m sure my little girl and her baby brother will be the best of friends. I found out a few weeks ago and it’s sunk in now and I’m starting to get excited, got some cute boys clothes, picturing him in them and getting used to the idea. Im the same in I don’t know what to do with a boy but honestly when I had a girl I had no idea 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ xx

Side note I think gender disappointment is so common, I know people that were the other way… they wanted one of each and when finding out it’d be two of one gender they felt sad about it. I think it’s really normal x

I could’ve written this!! I’m in exactly the same boat and combating weird guilty feelings because I’m not exactly disappointed to learn we’re expecting a boy but I really hoped to give my little girl a sister. It’s hard to have the conversation about #3 when #2 isn’t even here yet so maybe it’s worth waiting a bit before trying yo negotiate that one - with your partner but also with yourself. Maybe when our little boys arrive we’ll feel totally different. I’m going to try to focus on having a super positive and healthy pregnancy and giving my son the same love my daughter got, and whatever happens after that is tomorrow's problem.

Also! For what it’s worth - I’m a big sister to both a little sister and a little brother and I think my relationship with my brother is wonderful and our friendship is strong. So maybe it actually doesn’t matter at all!

Yes I'm one one 4 girls even my husband only has sisters and I had a girl and was excited but apprehensive of being a boy mom. Honestly it's fine. They get on amazing...he's 8mths now and she's 2.5yrs old. The only thing initially was sometimes he peed on us. Other than that nothing different really just a different personality. I'd honestly be happy if this was our family complete tbh. X

@Amy ahh thanks so much for your response I really wasn’t sure how it would be taken but I’m so glad there are others that understand!!! I can completely relate to everything you’ve said, I only found out yesterday so I am still letting it sink in. And definitely I feel like the thought of not being able to try again when you envisioned your life being a certain way maybe puts more pressure on it and makes you think oh if we try again then I’ll be happy. Perhaps it’s how we deal with it, thinking well I might have my second girl one day like the option is always there but deep down we know it might not be! But it helps to think it is. 😂🙈 I’m sure once they are here we will wonder what we ever worried about, think it’s the fear of the unknown x

@Jess yes completely relate the guilty feelings!! And I now feel myself wanting to soak up every second of my little girl cause I didn’t realise how lucky I was to get my little girl and how time goes so fast, and that it might be my one and only time to experience having a little girl and I don’t want it to end. I’m sure once baby boy is here it will feel just as amazing but we can’t imagine it cause we only have experience with a girl and it’s nerve wracking!! I’m also really worried cause my friend has a boy that just doesn’t sleep and is so hyper which is the opposite of my girl so I’m worried it will be the same 🙈 but yes good advice RE thinking about number 3 before number 2 is here haha, it’s ridiculous really, but feel so much better you understand and relate x

@Hilary ah thanks this makes me feel so much better to hear the reality of having one of each! Yes I will definitely need some help getting used to nappy changes, cleaning his downstairs etc 😬😂 I’m glad you feel content with your family x

@Jess just noticed we’re due the same time too! I’m 14 weeks as well so very similar situations! 😂

i felt/feel the same way. i really wanted another daughter, but being pregnant w my son kinda makes me appreciate having her so much more. she’s so special to me. she’s literally my mini me. i was convinced i was having another girl and i wanted so bad to be right even after the gender reveal (which i didn’t even want, my daughters birth was a surprise and it was magical) but slowly im accepting and appreciating this pregnancy and my son. ik ill love him to death and i also know its going to be a different experience. my daughter wanted a baby sister but now that she knows it’s a baby brother she is very excited. were gunna be a great beautiful family.

No shame at all. But I will say that I thought I wanted a 2nd girl because that’s what I was used to and it felt more natural but after we had the boy, it felt completely right. He’s her little best friend currently. And there’s no guarantee if you have a third one that it would be a girl or that your girls would be super close. You just never know. So I wouldn’t have a third just for that reason if that were me. But mainly came here to say that even though it’s hard to imagine now, once he is here there is a very good chance you will feel differently. I couldn’t imagine our little boy not being in our family. He’s a goofy and silly baby and our girl was so serious as a baby so it just feels like the perfect balance. Good luck mama!

And also there is something special about just having that one girl. Idk what it is but she’s just like the little princess of our family. She’s my little best friend

I have a son and I grew up with 3 sisters, aunts. Not many boys in my family. I am so happy I had a son, he's such a light of life. You'll love him as much as your daughter, promise!

@Julie thank you so much for this! You have no idea how much it helps me to see that how I’m feeling is somewhat normal and it will pass, just like it has for so many of you. You’re right, it’s just what we are used to. So now it’s time to get excited about a new experience with a little boy! And I’m sure once he is here I will wonder what I ever worried about 💕

@Lucy thank you, I know you’re right and it’s reassuring to hear, I feel quite embarrassed about it all but I think it’s just nerves. Thank you

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