Do we have a second baby?

My husband and I are really struggling with the decision to have a second baby or not. We have one almost 2 year old and it hasn’t been easy. He was a really tough baby and has a sensitive personality and demands a lot of attention. We both work full time and can’t imagine how we could fit an infant into our schedules. We feel bad thinking about our little guy being an only child though and wonder if we will regret it later on if we don’t. I’d love to hear perspectives of people who have had a second, thoughts and opinions in general!
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On the same boat. Will love to hear other perspectives

As soon as I read your question, I thought, absolutely, yes. Now, it goes without saying I'm not in your exact shoes, and it will be a new challenge. My thought is that you've already done the hardest transition imo and that is going from zero, to your first. I just had my 4th. We always wanted at least 2 and then debated about a 3rd, and then were in the initial conversations about whether or not we were done after 3 and found out we were pregnant with #4. I couldn't imagine not having each of our kids (I'm not saying have 4 to be clear. Lol). I think my point is that I don't think you would ever regret having another 🥰. Best of luck with your decision!

@Brett thanks for sharing! How the heck do you manage 4 though? I feel like I barely have time now to do anything that isn’t baby related. Maybe I’m selfish? I enjoy working out, regular sleep and an hour to myself in the evening and it feels like those things will be impossible once another one comes along. Not to mention keeping up with the never ending house work and working full time 🫠

Do what you think is best, but you won't regret having another baby, but you may regret not trying for one. 🤷‍♀️ If you do decide to have #2 you will figure it out. Your LO will adjust. It may help him self regulate more and he will have a playmate for life.

Prooobably going to have the unpopular view point here, but I know it's just my opinion and I'm definitely ok with others feeling different. It definitely sounds like a 'No' to me, at least right now. As someone who has made it through 2 tough babies, 1 bio 1 not, if it's not a Definite 'YES' then it's a 'No'. That being said you may just need some more time, who says your kids have to be 2yrs apart and you can't have another when your sensitive LO goes to kindergarten, before it is a definite 'Yes'. On the subject of being 'an only child' I grew up as one, and thanks to beautiful close friendships, No regrets! There are sooo many things I got to experience, and we got to do as a family because my parents could with just me🥰. My daughter will grow up as an only child and I really love that I will be able to dedicate it aaall to just her 💖

@incognito, it's super challenging, and I'm still figuring it out. I also don't work full-time (still struggle with the never-ending house work though 😅. Lol). As each kid gets older, they become slowly less reliant on you, and the dynamics change. I'm also learning to be creative in fitting in what I enjoy with the kids. I enjoy working out too. I used to work out when they were napping, and now I am finding that I either include them in my workout or get them doing their own at the same time I do mine. I also don't workout the way I used to. That's been a process because I wasn't willing to let go of that initially. I've been intentional about having early bedtimes and a solid bedtime routine so I have time to myself in the evenings. I don't get a lot of non-kid time, especially now with a newborn. Some things I find helpful to remember, especially on hard days, are that other moms have figured it out, so I can too, and they are only little for a short time, and I will get time to myself again.

We both work full time as well. I’m opening a daycare so I can be with both littles. My son will be 3 in September and I’m due with another little boy in October. After maternity leave I won’t go back. I’ll see if I can have an unpaid leave. We own a house, car is paid off. We have credit card debt but with some changes all will work out 🥰

Had my second in February and my first turned 2 in April. We wanted two or three. Both were intentional pregnancies as I wanted them close in age. However, I am a sahm so it was an easy decision for us. I couldn’t imagine getting out of the baby stage and having an older kid and then going back to a newborn. It’s a great experience and I’m enjoying it. There are tough days with newborn needs versus toddler development. She’s expanding her emotional expressions and learning about the world. We’re lucky she is very communication and can tell us things very outright so we don’t have to guess what’s up with her. The first couple of months were a tough transition period for her but now she is used to him and she is soooo loving. She always wants to hug and kiss him.

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