Dealing with others

Hi! Has anyone experienced people being insensitive or dismissive to your ttc/ivf/loss journey? I have a “friend” who keeps saying we went through the same thing when she jumped into IVF 6months after ttc for no reason other than to get pregnant faster (she is only 30) and got pregnant right away? I also have another friend who has been trying for 7 months and calls herself infertile and says that cause she has low amh she is infertile which based on a number of studies isn’t true. Meanwhile they’re saying this to me after we were trying for over 2 years, had two rounds of IVF, multiple miscarriages, have seen over 5 doctors for different opinions, years of medications and immune therapies, failed transfers. It just feels invalidating and dismissive of my own journey. I know it’s sad and disappointing to not get pregnant immediately but it’s just not the same. Anyone else dealt with this? What do I even respond to this? I usually just go home and cry 😢
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Ive been in a similar situation. I have friends that are getting pregnant easily and then they turn around and ask so when are you going to have some babies? Or they say how's the pregnancy going knowing that im not pregnant. It hurts because my husband and I are trying so hard because we want a child and here are others just saying "oh well when will you have babies?" Like its just that easy. What I say is when the timing is right, it will happen until then, I don't want to discuss the topic because it is very sensitive to me so please respect that. And leave it at that. I tend to just release the negativity out of my mind because we are going through so much just to even conceive that I dont want to have anyone make me feel any less of a woman. You are amazing, you will be a mother. Do not let them take that determination from you. If they can not be sensitive to your feelings, then maybe you should let them go or give yourself space from them until YOU are ready to communicate.

Girl I’m so sorry you are going thru this . It’s such an emotional journey . My hubby and I tried 2 years I also have low AMH due to my age . We had 4 failed IUI I cried all the time . We finally did IVF and our daughter is 8 months . Think positive and don’t let people get you down . There are mean people in the world . If you need to talk about IVF or anything I’m here . Miracles happen honey . I’m praying for you girlie ❤️🥰

So frustrating!! People that aren’t going through it are so dismissive and just can’t seem to relate or understand at all. Try not to take any offense, keep your distance from them if you need to. Try to make some connections with people that are going through the same thing. This app can be good for that!

First up I'm so sorry you're having to deal with these 'friends.' This journey is hard enough without these insensitive people and their comments. Do you have an option to not see or talk to them? Or maybe just let them know how upsetting their comments are, remind them that no ivf journey is the same. Have you got a local group you can meet up with? Maybe seek a fertility psychologist to talk with, I did this and found it incredibly helpful. I used to hate the comment 'just relax, go on a holiday' I used to tell those people if they pay for it sure because all our money went to ivf. It's very difficult to remain positive, I suffered through 5.5yrs of ivf and 8 miscarriages before our miracle happened, then she was born at 28weeks and a whole new challenge lay ahead. Take breaks if you need to, clear your head, scream, yell and do whatever you need We've all got your back 💜

Yes! There was actually a “friend” I met on peanut and she asked why I was on this app if I didn’t have a kid. I guess she’s had both her daughters easily without any issues and doesn’t think it should be that hard 😡

Awww, girl . We are here to help! I don’t even know what to say because I have been there, I don’t even know the right words to tell you but I know we will all carry our own children sooner than we think . Some people don’t know how to talk sadly. March was so difficult for me, I cried so hard and even lost some weight . I deleted my Instagram because I was just feeling overwhelmed and there was a lot of pressure from there . I am in a better place now and visiting people and doing stuff . I have been TTC for 5 years now and have has 2 failed IVF . I have been so sad that even trying a new one feels scary cos IVF also comes with its own mental and physical stress . I know someday soon, we will all carry our babies . Please take it easy . You can always dm me to rant or if you need to speak with anyone . Our miracle is on the way !!!! We stay up and we shall celebrate soon.

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