Menopause Hell 😩😩

I'm 43 years old and really struggling with menopause. I don't feel like myself at all, and I can't believe hormones cause all of these symptoms! Mood swings, sore breast, brain fog, tension headaches etc. Please tell me it's normal to feel like this? And then to top it all off I have my 20 month old that I have to chase around…is anyone else dealing with menopause and a toddler ?
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Hey Dana, sorry to hear you're having such a crappy time ❤ I can't imagine what it must be like going through peri/menopause *and* having to manage a toddler at the same time. Your symptoms as you describe them here probably *are* all caused by hormones! As your levels decrease and fluctuate, more symptoms can come on, some might go away,some might get worse... and there are a lot of possible symptoms. Thirty four are used here in the UK for diagnosis, but yet more have been identified! Your hormones have an effect on everything, for instance, some women get what feel like electric shocks/tingling, due to the effect of hormone changes on the nervous system. Hope that helps put your mind at rest a little bit. If you'd like any pointers towards good information on HRT or alternatives, just give me a shout 🙂❤

Thank you so much Sharon.

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Ah, you're welcome 😊 ❤

Dana I feel your pain, get some progesterone supplement s they help with hormone balance and try to take in dark green veg and water, I know it's hard but it'll pass just show yourself grace I had a late life baby who's turned 3 and I'm 40 heading for the change! It's very challenging stay strong sis

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Thank you so much for the advice. I will definitely look into getting progesterone supplements.

Hi Dana, I can totally relate.. I'm 46, perimenopausal with all the symptoms you describe, and I have a 6yr old and 2yr old twins. Happy to chat!

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Finally someone who is literally in my same situation . Thank you Ang. I have a feeling we will have some great conversations!!

Thank you so much Tammy. I appreciate all your insight so much !!

Have your doctor check your thyroid. Although these are all hormonal changes we often ignore the power of an over active or under active thyroid. Mood swings, depression, weight gain, weight loss, headaches, body aches, brain fog, etc. are all symptoms. I say this from personal experience. I pray you feel well soon, but definitely get checked! ♥️

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Thank you so much Ivonne . I will definitely speak to my doctor about my thyroid .

Argh. I’m almost 42 and it’s kicking my ass. I have 4 kids abd one with special needs to chase around. I’m just always tired

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Melinda . I definitely feel your pain. If you ever need to talk I’m here !!

yep i suffer from all the sympotoms u have mentioned and more have been going through the change for 10 years + im only 38 as well xx

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Wow Nikki for ten years now . What has worked for you through this new journey ?

I’m going through early menopause. I had one ovary and Fallopian tube removed when I was 17 due to having a massive Dermoid Ovarian Cyst. I was told then that I may go in to earlier menopause because I only have one ovary left. This is something that’s not often told to women. I’ve been suffering for about 2 years now. Hot flushes, fatigue, feeling just ‘off’, mental fog. But the hot flushes are the worst. I suggest anyone going through this talks to thier GP, they can help enormously. HRT or other meds that control the other Menopause symptoms can really alleviate your suffering.

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Thank you so much Fee. I think I’m really going to start HRT I have heard so much great things about it.

I’ve heard got things about it too. I’d however talk to your dr go find the right combination for you. I’d also say what he your diet, make sure your hydrated, as hot flushes and sweats can leave you dehydrated. Take menopause vitamins and collagen. I’ve been doing this for some time noe and have felt so much better in myself. Good luck.

Hi Dana. I can relate. I’m only 36 with a 15 about to be 16 in December, 5 year old and almost 5 month old. I have all boys did not want anymore kids cause the two dads I have kids by are not even supporting their kid/kids. I decide to have laser surgery and have my tubes removed. Long story short I have not had a cycle since the procedure. I wake up with night sweats the littlest things irritate me and my 15 year old is my assistant cause my memory sucks. Trust and believe you are not alone. I could not figure out what was happening to me but I think menopause is the answer. I had surgery in June it’s now September not a drop of blood. I cramp a little and that’s it but that could be from me breastfeeding. Idk what to think really.

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Thank you so much for sharing Quita. I’m here if you ever need to talk , I’ve been through the teenage phase and now I’m doing it all over again with my 6 yr old and 20 month old. If you ever need to talk I’m here.

My twins are 5, I’m 41 and struggling with the change. So it’s not exactly the same since you are running nonstop but I feel you with the night sweats, tender boobs, and all that fun…

I am going through all those symptoms right now and I am 38 with a 2 yr old kid. At first, I thought I was going through another post part, but when I read your post, it just made me think, to consult my doctor about this. Thanks for the insight

Going through the same and have a two year old cutie to chase after. It’s good to read this thread makes me feel not alone in the discomfort.

Oh yes! I’m 42 and so glad to hear I’m not the only one around this age dealing with this BS! 4, 7 and highly emotional tween over here 🤪

Hello 🙂 just a quick aside to say, you don't have to 'put up with' symptoms of peri/menopause, whatever your age. Hormone Replacement Therapy is the gold-standard to replace the hormones lost in peri/menopause (clue's in the title 😁). There are alternatives to HRT as well if you can’t take it for any reason. Just give me a shout and I'll do all I can to help if you need any other information/resources/support to get treatment. I'll pop a link to our M-brace The Change group below in a min... 🙂❤

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I agree with the above comment.. i have all these symptoms and have an under active thyroid.. i would arrange a blood test to rule it out. Hope you feel better soon xx

Im so glad u posted this. My question on this thread is how did u know u were going threw it?

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Hi Carol . That’s the great thing about this app. I wasn’t too sure what I was going through and being able to hear others stories, I knew I had to discuss these changes with my doctor. I never even heard of HRT before peanut . I have an appointment scheduled in a few weeks and I have a list of things to go over with my doctor.

@Carol it took me about four years to realise what the flip was going on 🙂 I got sun allergies, weight gain, insomnia, morning sickness, and my anxiety started playing up... are you having any symptoms Carol? ❤

Yes i am

Hey. Im not in menopause but have a pituitary tumour that gives me all these symptoms. It's awful. Especially the brain fog. And im almost 46. What will it be like when menopause hits on top of it. My doctor thought it was menopause till I found a new doctor and she ordered a whole bunch of tests and found the tumour.

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Julie I’m so sorry to hear about the pituitary tumor is it treatable ??

I Went through similar things in my mid 40s when I had a toddler. It was very difficult but homeopathy brought me out of it and is actually what made me become a Homeopath!

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Thank you so much for sharing Sarah, I will definitely look into homeopathy therapy

I am 39 and I think I am starting to get pre-menapausal symptoms. I'm so tired but they tested my blood and my liver enzymes were high as well as my thyroid and I have a vitamin D and C deficiency. They put me on some meds for my thyroid but I don't know if this is menopause or just me. Hot flashes, mood swings like cray cray, hungry not hungry, no energy and always exhausted. 2 teenage boys who keep me busy and always bugging me purposely. So I feel ya

I'm totally with you I started getting all the symptoms last year


Pm me

So happy to read this post. I’m 44 and kept thinking it was Covid and being stuck at home for so long, but not I realize that’s not the case!!!

Hi I am 42. I live a holistic lifystley and part of health communities. I also follow quite of few of functional medicine practitioners. I am not experience any issues. My kids are 3 and 5. I would research some natural cures.

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Thank you so much. I will definitely look into some natural remedies. I have started taking a black seed tonic that has worked wonders with my energy levels

Eating and drinking soya can help as it's a natural estrogen xx

Argh I can’t even imagine. I had toddlers at 30. I’m 42 almost I couldn’t even image. And now I have teenagers. I couldn’t imagine deal with this at 60!!!! Sending you positive vibes

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I have a 21 year old as well as a 6 year old and now my baby girl, but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way .

Hi ladies, this is interesting 🤔 I am 45 with 5 kids, 3 teen girls, its full on, I'm a full-time mum. I find some days I can get so low in myself and feel horrid, at times I wonder is this perimenopause symptoms, but I then think, well, no, isn't it just the toll of parenting full time and I try to put more effort into self care. Then the next day, I am back loving my life. So my question is..... how do you know when its more than just life taking its toll. Is it instinct that there's more going on?

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Some is instinct but also when you are feeling low in relation to your cycle and if you have any other symptoms. Xxx

Hello @Kerry 🙂 if you pop over to our M-brace The Change group, there's a symptom checklist in one of the pinned posts - that should help to show how many symptoms you have... If you want a hand getting treatment and some symptom vanquishing, we can help with that too 🙂❤

That all sounds very familiar! I made an appointment with my PCP who confirmed my instincts with a test.

I'm 46 with a 3, 5 and 14 year old the struggle is real!!! Im on eostrogen patches and progesterone and it's helping but not quite right yet. A bit more tweaking and hoping to be back to some resemblance of myself 🤦‍♀️

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Hi there momma! I am a 43 yr. Also who is going through peri menopause I hate my mood swings also and the hot flashes and I never know when my cycle will happen most of the time I don’t have a cycle. I have two kiddos 6&4 oh, not to mention having trouble losing weight too!

IUgh I feel you !!!! I am 26. I was diagnosed with leukemia but Im 2 yrs in remission thank god but due to having leukemia I was diagnosed with menopause and I go through these same symptoms everyday 😫😫

I am dealing with the menopause, but not the toddler. I just try to identify when im having a moment and manage it. I like to be slow to react when im feeling the anxiety creep up on me.

I suspect I started the peri menopause journey a year ago. My mom was 45 when she finished, they say your mother is a good indicator of when you’ll go through it. I have almost all of the symptoms, even the burning tongue! How did any of you get tested? Is it just multiple blood work appointments?

IM 42 and I really think I'm going thru this but my Dr said No I'm just Hormonal🙄🙄🙄but I can definitely tell that something is off in me I'm just Not My Happy self no more I'm always moody ...sad...depressed and I isolate my self alot😒😒😒

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I can definitely relate to the isolation sometimes I just don’t want to be bothered with anyone . I have started taking goli supplements and they have worked wonders with my mood swings

I feel the same. I’m 42 and it’s a struggle

Ugh! I can't believe we are already here, I'm 41 and I've lately had intense meltdowns. I know my life is super stressed but wow the emotional breakdowns were epic. I guess I'll march off to the doctor to see if it's menopause.

I'm in perimenopause and struggling with the same. Moody bird vitamins have helped some but definitely needing a therapist to get through mood swings♥️

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I must look into the moody bird vitamins. I feel like I need to talk to someone also

So its normal I am not menopauseal however i am around the same age and had a daughter in my late ⏰ 30hrs I have been diagnosed with PMDD look 👀 it up u may find some clarity

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Thank you . Will do

I’ll be 45 soon before baby is born so I suspect I will be going through all that at some stage soon..actually thought I was before I found out I was pregnant.🤣

I am 45 and I am struggling too ,my Dr said I am way far from my menopause just a hormonal embalance.I felt like crazy that I cannot understand mood swing ,hot flashes ,very emotional & now I have lots of break outs in my face makes me more stress.

Ohh god!! I also am struggling working menopause!!! My unexplained rage knows no bounds 🙈🙈🙈🙈

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* with menopause lol, not *working menopause!!!

Oh my gosh! I feel the same way! I had to have a total hysterectomy at 31 with a newborn! She is 5 almost 6 now and it truly has been absolutely hellacious trying to deal with being a momma and ALL the BS menopause brings! You are not alone sista!

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I don’t know what to do same here.

Omg, you are a total super hero. I would like to say I have the energy for the menopause n a toddler, unfortunately I don't even have the energy for a shower..... I absolutely salute you x

Yes!! I’m 38 and have an almost 4 year old. Post surgical menopause at 34 years old, no ovaries so almost no hormones, when little man was just a babe. The fatigue is what kills me!!! 😩😩 I had my other son at 19 and this is so different I find it hard to keep up! ❤️ Have you ever considered BHRT?

I am almost 42 years old and I have been feeling the same. Going to have bloodwork done next week to see if it menopause. What is bird vitamins?

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I am- but my twins are 5. I’m 42.

Have you considered HRT to bridge the gap till you're 50s? No need to suffer just because you're a woman. We need to change that narrative!

If you are dead set against. Add Soya to your diet, sage is good and turmeric for your bones.

But HRT keeps all those symptoms and the rest at bay!

I have hormone pellets and they are amazing. I feel totally normal now.

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