Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

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the top test i did first, the bottom i did second. the first test i believed was faulty because nothing had happened when i wet the stick, no dye appeared or anything, so i believed to be invalid. i did the second one and a strong negative showed up. overnight, this has appeared on the first test i took, what could ...


Positive hours later?

Has anyone taken a rapid clear blue test that is negative but then leave it alone and hours later I see it shows positive blue line. How is this possible? This happened with 2 tests


Is this a positive pregnancy test?!

I've been feeling like dogs dinner for a few weeks. Aunt flo is 3 days late so thought I'd do a test. Shocked to say the least as we've not been trying AND I'm on contraception (coil). I guess baby number 2 is coming sooner than we thought ❤️


What is this line?

I’m 99.99% sure it’s negative as I am testing early…but what is this line that shines? Xx


Positive test?

Hi, is this a positive test?


7dp5dt… waaay early, but I see it?

My doctor won’t approve since they said I need to test blood on Thursday (in 3 days), but I couldn’t resist and randomly did a test this afternoon.. is that promising?



My test looks 100% negative to me but the checker app is saying there is a line can I have your opinion if you can see anything or not please 😊


Positive or line eyes

Is this positive or not



What do we think lol done 8 days after conception


How long did it take for your HCG levels to drop to negative?

It’s been 5 weeks since my bleed, 4 since my first blood test and diagnosis of suspected ectopic. I am still testing pregnant, although faintly. It feels like it’s taking a lifetime to get that negative test again which is making all of this so much harder!! How long did it take others to get their negative test?


Am I the only one?

I find that I test obsessively SO early, and then when I get to around 8dpo (when I may actually start to see a positive) and I get more nervous to test and don’t want to. Feels like an early negative doesn’t count but closer to my period feels more real 🥲


Pregnancy test

Hi, I'm 4+3 weeks but my test lines are still not as strong as the control line. Is this normal at this stage?


Negative test at 10 DPO

I just got a negative test at 10DPO and I used the FRER test. What are my odds? I feel pretty certain that I am out this cycle.


8 days post frozen embryo transfer. Am I pregnant or could it be a false positive?

Hello. I have all the symptoms of PMS. My period is due any day now. Could this be a false positive? Or could I be pregnant? Does anyone have similar experiences? I’m getting a blood test in two days.


Positive or no?

5dpo maybe it’s too early but I see a line on the left??


Can you see a line

Last Wednesday nite was dizzy then sick . Nothing since then . Just took a test and I think I see a line .could that have been a sign ?


How early did you take a pregnancy test?

I know it’s best to wait until you’ve missed a period but just curious, how soon did you get a positive pregnancy test if you tested early?


2 under 2

I’ve Tested positive again today, I currently have a 10 months old. Nervous but excited, any advice..🌝


Faint test with twin pregnancy?

Hey this might sound like the silliest question, but as a first time pregnancy I’m so lost on what’s normal and what isn’t! So I tested positive at the start of July, I was testing regularly for the first couple of weeks because I couldn’t believe it and had a few “dye stealers”, then had some cramping and bleeding ...


Faint line?!

Period due yesterday, photo taken within 5 minutes. Should i take a clear blue test?


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