IVF over 35

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IVF over 35

For women over 35 TTC via IVF

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A in Fertility treatments

Euploid FET failure

I’m 39, and looking at IVF round 5 for baby #2. I have DOR, so I’ve only ever gotten 2 blasts to PGT test at most, and some rounds nothing. Only 2 of 4 ever tested were normal- one is my precious daughter, the other just failed. Anyone have anything similar happen and willing to share their protocol so I can ask my ...

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S in Pregnancy scans

Large yolk sac and success stories

Hey all, I've been in this in between state of pregnant and most likely not pregnant for almost a month now. Today I finally got a heartbeat. I'm somewhere 6 weeks and 2 days and 7 weeks and 5 days so there's a large indeterminate gap from FET day, unknown implantation, and gestational date. Today showed a 5.9mm yol...

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M in Fertility treatments

40 in September - Moved our clinic to Prague 🙏🏻🤞🏻

5 years TTC, I am 39 with mild/mod Adenomyosis & my husband has male factor (Varicoceles on both sides) which was operated on but not fixed. After a year of treatment & 3 rounds of IVF on the NHS in London last year it resulted in 1 mis-miscarriage at 8 weeks & only 1 other embryo on ice which ended in it not making...

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J in Surrogacy

Anyone have a retrieval today?

Just did a retrieval. 6 eggs … not sure how to feel about it but will find out soon if they were mature/fertilized.

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A in Fertility treatments

How to bare the pain…

I had started IVF in December after 2 previous MCs. Everything was fine, positive, strong embryo. Took the blood test - negative. I don’t know how to handle the pain in my heart anymore.

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