Moms parenting with chronic illness

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Moms parenting with chronic illness

I am a mom with Multiple sclerosis a neurological autoimmune disorder. I’m starting this group to support other moms with chronic illnesses that can make parenting extra difficult. Anyone with an auto immune, illness, disease that you deal with on top of parenting please join. Let’s support each other!

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B in Baby sleep


I've been having a flare up recently (working on a POTS and EDS diagnosis currently) and I have been struggling so much. I'm also a single mom. My son is 8 months old and we bedshare because he REFUSES to sleep on his own, will wake up every 15min or so in his crib so bedshareing is the only way for me to sleep. Th...

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Pregnant with unmanaged autoimmune disease

I've been on a tough journey to diagnose a possible autoimmune disease (I think i have lupus or something that causes similar symptoms) and recently found out i was pregnant even though we were using protection. It's been a huge shock and I'm terrified about how I'll manage the pregnancy when I'm trying to figure ou...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Sleep & tiredness

Does anyone in here have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (aka Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)??

I’ve been dealing with it and fibromyalgia for 26 years…now I might have Lupus too. Or Sjogrens or both. Ugh! I’m 44 with a 7 year old.

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A in Postpartum symptoms

How did you feel before your diagnosis?

I'm waiting on meeting with a rheumatologist to hopefully find out what's been going on since I had my baby a year and a half ago. 2 weeks ago, someone close to me passed away and I went to her funeral a week ago. Ever since the funeral, I have not felt good. I'll feel feverish, fatigued, week, sore, have had severe...

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in Postpartum mental health

Love this group!🩵

I can’t explain how much this group helps me feel ok! I have a few chronic conditions and I always felt so alone! I hate when ppl say, “you’re only in your 30s stop acting like you’re 100!” Or “it can’t be that bad suck it up!” Or “you look fine, what’s the issue?” 🙄😒 not everything is visible! I have Lupus, Fibro, ...

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