September 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

My son didn’t eat anything at nursery

My toddler is not the best eater at the moment he is very fussy, when I picked him up the nursery didn’t say anything, when I checked the app all the food where none , so he basically didn’t eat anything since 7.30 this morning at breakfast, I am aware that he is a fussy eater but shouldn’t nursery let me know and o...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Postpartum mental health

Toddler separation/ parent preference

Not sure if anyone is going through anything similar but our daughter has always been really independent but recently I can’t leave a room without loads of tears and her calling for me constantly. Obviously I love that she wants me but now she’s really struggling going to bed and gets hysterical when we go to leave ...

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Incognito in Family

Little one hates pre school - she says she doesn’t want to go and cries when she sees the uniform and when we have to leave the house, she also cries at drop off.

Does anyone else’s little one do this or know what I should do? She only goes part time and I hardly send her as I feel so bad as she seems to really hate it, even though it has ofted of outstanding and they do really fun things. She went to another nursery part time and didn’t really enjoy it but tolerated it and w...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Baby digestion

Calpol & vomit

Does anyone else's toddler throw up everytime you give them calpol or nurofen, he's 2 and got a temperature but just throws it up as soon as I give it to him, so annoying :( wondering if theres something else going on and how common this is!

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A in Education

Primary schools :/

Hey mamas Just wondering how many of you has started looking for primary school for their September kid? I found out this morning that apparently I should have already started this process and got my twins in waiting list and need to look for primary schools in catchments etc. feeling a bit anxious and out of p...

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