ADHD'er mamas

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ADHD'er mamas

support for mums with ADHD share tips and tricks chitchat with other mums that struggle with ADHD themselves let's show support as we struggle through our daily lives having ADHD, managing our chaotic lives with our little humans. share the love

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S in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

How do you relax?

So I’ve passed my due date and had an appointment with a lovely midwife who told me that stress and adrenaline often stops people going into labour. Once we relax, our brain signals our body that baby can come out. She told me to just relax but as anyone with ADHD knows, relaxing is not relaxing 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m not feelin...

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Incognito in Family

Unsupported - how would this make you feel?

I am going through the assessment process but pretty sure I have adhd and autism. I have struggled my whole life, and at times had good or not so good coping mechanisms, before understanding it could be this. But since having 2 children close together, struggled more internally. I do everything in our house, and nev...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Disabilities

ADHD meds - do they work?

Hi! Just wondering if anyone started on ADHD medication after they had children? If so, do you find it helpful? And how is it helpful? I know there are a few different types

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Incognito in Disabilities

Did your ADHD worsen after having children?

I'm 33 undiagnosed, but all signs have been leading towards ADHD. We just found out my son had it as well. Symptoms have gotten worse since having him, and even worse since having my daughter. Is this typical?

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J in Pregnancy care

Mushroom complex?

Hiya 🙂 just wondering if anyone has tried using a mushroom complex and if so, do you recommend/have they helped at all? I’ve seen a few more expensive brands advertised on my insta, but have also had a look on Amazon and seen some cheaper alternatives. Any thoughts are appreciated xx

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