March 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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C in Other

My 2.5 daughter demands nursing a lot

I have a strong willed 2.5 year old daughter. We've been breastfeeding on demand since birth. She loves the connection and help her so much regulating emotions. I teach her a lot about emotional regulation but during meltdowns that's the only way to calm her down. Since I stay at home, she demands lots of time nursi...

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Incognito in Pregnancy test results

TTC baby #2, anyone else?

I am 12dpo and tested negative and getting clear mucus, am I out? Or do I have a change still ?

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  • Incognito

K in Baby sleep

I think we messed up..

So for our 2.5 year old, he is still rocked to sleep every night. We had started to work on getting him to fall asleep in his crib, but he began daycare a few months ago and we went back to rocking because it was obvious he missed us and needed that connection. Additionally, he still takes a bottle with watered down...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Tantrums & Refuses to listen

Hey Mama’s. Recently my LO’s tantrums have gotten out of control. He whines ALL DAY. Refuses to sit down unless he’s in his car seat and is extremely hyperactive. I know this is the age where it tends to happen the most, but this is getting out of control. I’ve tried leveling with him, letting him cry it out, redire...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito
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E in Family

My 2 1/2 year old not talking

Hello, My baby is 2 1/2, he’s been going through a lot the past few months, and just recently got bit in the face by his grandmothers dog, a lot of trauma and infections with that. He has a baby sister that’s 1 (turned 1 July 22nd) and me and their dad split, I kicked him out about a year ago now. I’m still in our ...

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