October 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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October 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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E in Postpartum mental health

Toddler phase

I have a three year old and I live with my in laws n my toddlers been crying for everything everyday and night n my I hit the point where I can’t handle the crying anymore and I raise my voice to talk to my kid and it just makes me feel and look like a crazy mom I feel like I need help I don’t know how to control my...

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K in Baby & toddler food

Nutritional supplement

My son is going through a phase of basically refusing to eat. I’m not sure the reason but would love some suggestions of a nutrition booster I could add to the few foods he will eat. I’ve already been adding a freeze dried veggie powder to savory foods (pasta sauce, pizza sauce, etc) but am in search of something to...

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A in Common illness

Cough remedies

Hi everyone! In desperate need of some advice!! My son has had a cough for like 2 weeks now. It went away and came back (he’s a new preschooler so I’m sure he caught another bug). I’ve tried so many things I feel so helpless for him! He can’t sleep at night and during the day he coughs like every minute and I’m sure...

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M in Baby milestones

Developmental delay

My son has been in speech therapy for a little while now in the birth to 3 program with early intervention… he just got evaluated for the 3-5 program with the school district and got an IEP due to his delayed speech. They also noted that he doesn’t make a lot of eye contact and doesn’t respond to his name very much ...

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O in Making friends

I’m new to the app and just wanted to say hey!

I’m a mom of 3. I have a 3 year old daughter and 2 sons; 2 years old and 8 months old. Say hey and how many kiddos you have and let’s make friends!

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