TTC/pregnant after miscarriage

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TTC/pregnant after miscarriage

A group for women (first baby or not) to support each other through the journey of trying to conceive and/or being pregnant after losing our little angels.

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M in Pregnancy test results

Positive line

I have an MVA after my miscarriage 5 weeks ago and took a test 3 weeks after which was negative to show there was nothing left from the procedure I started to do ovulation tests 2 weeks ago and it was really dark took a pregnancy test today as from the ovulation test would make it 13DPO today from when my ovulation ...

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  • M

Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Medication and alcohol when TTC

Just curious on people’s thoughts about having things you wouldn’t when you’re pregnant in the TTC phase. I ovulated about a week ago so still about a week to see if I get a period or am luckily pregnant this time. I am not a big drinker but have a party on the weekend and so torn whether to have a couple of drink...

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Incognito in Pregnancy test results

Positive or no

Hello, I know that this is really early to be asking as my period is still 11 days away but I took a pregnancy test on Friday because I've been really sick lately and it was fain this is today's test that I just took what do yall think?

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Incognito in Other

Advice taking progesterone?

Has anyone taken progesterone after a miscarriage and it’s worked? Nervous to try again after my third miscarriage 😭

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy test results

Still HCG in my system after a period?!

I had surgical management of miscarriage 5 weeks ago and had a normal period last week. However I’ve done another pregnancy test today and there’s still a line?! We did TTC twice when I ovulated 3 weeks ago but then I got my period so surely it can’t be a new pregnancy. Plus the line would be stronger by now if I ...

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