The Fourth Trimester

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The Fourth Trimester

For discussing those first 3 months postpartum. Topics to include birth recovery, baby blues, newborn care, all things babies up to 3 months old, and anything else relevant to the "fourth trimester" I felt like the Motherhood group was too broad, so created this group to focus on the special period for mom and baby.

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Incognito in Postpartum symptoms

When does it get better?

I’m 2 weeks PP today and I’m still in a lot of pain down there. I had a 3rd degree tear and everything from laying down to sitting down and standing up hurts. I have to take pain killers every 6hrs to ease some of the pain. My OB checked my stitches last week and said everything looks fine so far and nothing is infe...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Breastfeeding

Cluster feeding newborn

Anyone else have a newborn that has cluster fed? Our LO is 2 days old and he started cluster feeding this afternoon evening. Still at the hospital post C-section and the nurse says it’s common after a circumcision, which he had done today. How long did it last for you? How did you survive it?

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K in Postpartum mental health

Evening blues?

My baby girl is a week old now and I’m super happy and positive in the day time, but as soon as it hits around 7/8pm I start to feel really upset. I find I cry and get upset for no reason. Does anyone else get like this?

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T in Breastfeeding

Baby doesnt want the breast

Baby girl is 2 weeks old and we have had issues with breastfeeding since the get go. Traumatic birth meant I didn’t get to hold her for the first 5 hours of her life and a case of bad baby blues meant I wasn’t eating / drinking much at all for the first week. Since the weather has been hotter she has been refusing t...

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l in Postpartum mental health

Is it baby blues or post partum again

Hi, I just had my 3rd baby girl, currently 6 days post partum after a planned c section… physically I feel fine, actually recovering pretty well but the mood is something else.. I feel so sad a lot of the time, almost grieving level… I am so scared of being by myself and here it is, the dreaded day has come, my husb...

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