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Incognito in Other

iMessage group text

Hey mamas!!! I have an iMessage mama group text if anyone is interested in joining! :)

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C in Making friends

Which one are you?

I’m the ft friend! I’d rather call you on ft or on the phone because I’m such a horrible person to text. I don’t mind reading messages, but I always forget to respond. I’m blaming my children for this 😂

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

How to deal with a Toxic mom

So my mom has moved close to us so she can be of help with my pregnancy and with the baby once born. I appreciate her help in some situations including the cooking and just being around. However, she is extremely toxic. She has an extreme victim mindset and has carried entire generational trauma and never lets anyt...

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  • Incognito

L in Relationships

Thyroid Issues Community ?

Any mamas currently dealing with thyroid issues? I was recently diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma and had a total removal done😭.

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Incognito in Making friends

Do mom friends talk on the phone?

So I am having a tough time engaging in texting with my mom and other friends this season. I also can't really do playdates or lunch meetups right now because of work. I have seen other moms walk around, I think chatting with their friends. If I suggest this to my friends as a way to catch up would this have value? ...

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