Let us Praise !!.. (Worship Group)

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Let us Praise !!.. (Worship Group)

Ok so we all have different gifts. Some are well bible versed others are creative learners. Well, I fall into the latter and have always wanted a place where I can do Jesus in a creative way. If you are like me this is the place for you. Share your creative gift here art, music, poems, dance videos, craft. we'll be watching. Come let your hair down and just be. I will start with me... Hi I'm Honesty a mom by day and in my spare time a singer, song writer and crafter. I have been very apprehensive about sharing most of my stuff, but like Jesus said.. No one has a light and hide it under a bush.. instead we let our light shine so others will see our good work and glorify our Father in heaven. Matt 5: 15-16. I have wasted so much energy on trying to be right enough. But I am learning that all I have to do is show up authenticly as myself and he will work out the rest .. so here we go...

11 members