Navigating childcare choices

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Navigating childcare choices

A place to discuss childcare options and how to know what the right option is for your family. With 14 years in the industry, I want to help more families know how to choose the right option, the first time! While most of the discussions will be relevant wherever in the world you are, please note that any Government support discussion initiated by me will be for England only

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L in Childcare

Ask me anything!

We have had lots of new people join which is lovely! I am The Childcare Navigator, I have worked in childcare for 14 years and I am passionate about ensuring parents understand their childcare options, the pros and cons of each option for them and how to find the right childcare for their child and family. So as...

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L in Other

Organising toys - do you do it?

5 minutes flat and my toddler had ALL the toys out this morning. Every container opened. Beads, dinosaurs, tea set, musical instruments were everywhere! All I wanted to do was tidy up after breakfast! 🤣 But, it has been a great reason to have a sort through the toys, ensure all the pieces were together and have a...

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L in Childcare


What questions do you have relating to childcare?

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L in Travel with kids

How safe is your journey to childcare?

Today we went to a new playgroup. We took pavements I have never been on. This was one of the pavements which is beside a busy road. Thankfully our buggy is narrow and we managed to squeeze through on the left hand side. But it got me thinking 🤔 Have you considered how you would get to childcare? While you are ...

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L in Body temperatures

How do you keep cool in the heat!

Please share your top tips! 15 mins in the car, with the windows down, and this was my toddler!

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