Can You Take Pepcid While Pregnant?

Can You Take Pepcid While Pregnant?

Feel like there’s a fire in your belly, and not in the good way?

A sharp chest pain, acid-reflux, I-could-breath-fire sensation?

Yep, heartburn and indigestion are no joke when you’re expecting a baby, and it’s hella common too – up to 40% of pregnant women feel the burn.

So does that mean you have to just suffer through these uncomfortable feelings?

Or can you take Pepcid while pregnant?

We’re going to explore the science behind Pepcid and what we know about its effects during pregnancy.

And we’ll look at some of the other ways to get rid of painful indigestion.

Baby better come out with a full head of hair… 🧑‍🦰

Let’s dive in.

In this article 📝

  • What does indigestion feel like in pregnancy?
  • How does Pepcid work?
  • Is Pepcid good for acid reflux while pregnant?
  • Can I take Pepcid and TUMS while pregnant?
  • Which Pepcid is safe during pregnancy?
  • How do you get rid of indigestion while pregnant?
  • So, can you take Pepcid while pregnant?

What does indigestion feel like in pregnancy?

There are a few reasons why indigestion and acid reflux are common issues during pregnancy.

One is an increase in the hormone progesterone.

Progesterone is key for maintaining your pregnancy by stopping your body from ovulating and suppressing uterine contractions.

It also causes your stomach muscles and the sphincter at the bottom of your esophagus to relax.

And that makes it easier for acid to leave your stomach and travel back up your esophagus.

Number two is your growing uterus pressing on your stomach, presenting a double whammy that’s a recipe for indigestion. 🌶

And it can be worse if you’re also contending with pregnancy nausea – which many Peanut mamas like you are.

We see you, we feel you, so what options do you have?

How does Pepcid work?

Pepcid is a brand name for the drug famotidine.

It’s what’s known as a histamine-2, or H2 blocker, and it works by binding to cells on the parietal cells in the stomach lining, reducing the amount of acid they produce and thus secrete.

This is key because indigestion is literally when stomach acid travels out of your tum and towards your esophagus, creating that unpleasant burning sensation. 🐲

Less acid means a lower chance of acid reflux and sweet, sweet relief for you.

Is Pepcid good for acid reflux while pregnant?

H2 blockers do a good job of reducing acid levels.

Over a 24-hour period, they’ll cut the amount of stomach acid by about 70 percent.

But surprisingly, the evidence on H2 blockers relieving indigestion during pregnancy isn’t strong.

There’s better evidence in support of antacids — drugs that neutralize the acid rather than reduce it.

On the plus side, though, acid suppressants like Pepcid have been shown to help reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

But is Pepcid safe during pregnancy?

And what about antacids like TUMS?

Can I take Pepcid and TUMS while pregnant?

Both Pepcid and TUMS can be bought over the counter at your chemist.

And unless you’re allergic, there’s no evidence to suggest they cause problems during pregnancy.

But as with any new medicine, check with your doctor first.

Every mama-to-be, and every pregnancy, is different.

Your doctor will be able to advise on what’s right for you.

Can you take Pepcid and Tums in the same day?

Yes! But why?

And also, why would you?

Well, for one thing, both OTC medications may be used to treat acid reflux and indigestion, but they belong to two different drug classes.

And, as we mentioned above, Pepcid and Tums work in different ways in your body – one inhibits acid production while the other neutralizes it.

So why take them together?

Well, studies show that, owing to how they get to work on your stomach acid, the time it takes them to do it plays a big factor.

Because of the calcium carbonate component, antacids provide rapid relief while famotidine can take up to 90 minutes to do its thing. ⏳

On the flip side, Tums may work fast, but they burn out quicker, unlike Pepcid, which can last up to 540 minutes. Damn.

Taking them together is not only safe, but it also allows you to reap the benefits of both.

Just make sure you discuss with your healthcare provider beforehand.

Which Pepcid is safe during pregnancy?

Pepcid comes in three forms: Original, Max Strength, and Pepcid AC Complete.

All three use the active ingredient famotidine.

And there’s no evidence that any of them cause harm to pregnant women or their babies.

Can Pepcid cause birth differences?

Every pregnancy carries a small risk of birth differences.

Although some causes, like alcohol consumption, are understood, many others remain a mystery.

But there’s no evidence to suggest that Pepcid has any effect on the risk level.

How do you get rid of indigestion while pregnant?

If you feel safer taking the non-medication route, there are plenty of other things you can try to reduce heartburn and indigestion.

In many cases, these can be very effective — so you might never have to reach for a medicine bottle.

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently: Swap three meals for smaller portions split across the day. This can help make digestion more manageable.
  • Eat earlier: Keep larger meals to the first half of the day and avoid eating three hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid foods known to trigger acid production: That includes fatty, greasy, and spicy food. Limiting chocolate, caffeine, peppermint, tomato sauces, and citrus fruits is also a good idea.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes: To avoid putting pressure on your belly.
  • Wait at least three hours after eating before you lie down: And raise the head of your bed by around 5 inches — pillows work just as well as a fancy recliner.

So, can you take Pepcid while pregnant?


Pepcid and pregnancy work fine together for most mamas-to-be.

But as with all medicines, it’s sensible to check with your doctor before taking it.

All the best, mama. ❤️

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