37 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a leek!

37 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a leek!

Week 37 at a glance

Welcome to 37 weeks pregnant!

You’ve reached a milestone, because your growing baby is now officially “early term”.

Basically, that means they’re oh-so-nearly ready to be born, but, ideally, they’ll wait another couple of weeks to emerge.

Until they hit “full term” at 39 weeks to 40 weeks.

So, in the meantime, let’s take a look at what pregnancy at 37 weeks may have in store for you.

In this article: 📝

  • Week 37 at a glance
  • Baby development at 37 weeks
  • Pregnancy symptoms at 37 weeks
  • Pregnancy tips at 37 weeks

Baby development at 37 weeks

As your little sweetheart presses against what seems like every one of your internal organs, you may be wondering: is a 37 weeks baby fully developed?

Surely they’re ready to come out now!

Well, mama, at 37 weeks fetal development is certainly racing along, with just a little more work needed on the brain, liver, and lungs in these last few weeks of your pregnancy.

Your baby is also gaining about a half ounce of weight every single day.

That means that right now your baby weighs just under 6.5 pounds (on average) and measures in at just over 19 inches from head to heel.

They’re about the size of a delicious, nutritious bunch of Swiss chard – incidentally, a great source of all those baby-growing micronutrients you need, like iron and vitamin A.

So, what does a baby at 37 weeks in the womb do with their time?

When they’re not sleeping (their favorite activity), they may be busy practicing different movements, gestures, and facial expressions.

For example, they can make grasping motions with their hand (ready to grab your finger!) and practice smiling and frowning faces.

Oh, so cute.

Pregnancy symptoms at 37 weeks

Being pregnant at 37 weeks isn’t always a walk in the park – although, actually, one of those can help to relieve some of those bump-related aches and pains.

Or just provide a welcome distraction.

Every mama is different, but here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing at 37 weeks pregnant:

37 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore

Of course, no pregnancy symptom should be ignored if it’s bothering you.

Give your healthcare provider a call if you have any concerns.

But it is particularly important at this stage not to overlook the following symptoms:

  • Severe swelling in your hands or face
  • A headache that won’t go away
  • Suddenly gaining weight
  • Changes to your vision
  • Pain in your right upper abdomen

These symptoms, along with high blood pressure when pregnant at 37 weeks, can be signs of a slightly worrying condition called preeclampsia.

If you’re diagnosed with preeclampsia, your doctor may induce labor straight away.

That’s because delivering the baby is considered the best way of treating the condition.

How many months is 37 weeks?

It’s 9 months – the clock is ticking closer…

Is it safe to deliver at 37 weeks?

Although they haven’t reached full term yet, a baby delivered at 37 weeks has an excellent chance of doing well outside your uterus.

They may just need some extra support in the NICU at first.

If you’re carrying twins or other multiples, though – get ready to go, mama!

Most multiples are born at 38 weeks or earlier.

What are the signs of labor at 37 weeks?

Signs that labor may be on its way include a bloody show (blood-streaked mucus caused by your dilating cervix), nausea and diarrhea, water breaking, and long, stronger contractions.

But if you’ve not noticed any of those yet, it looks like you have some time to relax and enjoy these last few days or weeks of pregnancy.

There might be some last-minute prep you want to get done, like installing the car seat or asking a friend to shop for you in the weeks after the birth.

Or maybe you just want to recline and chill out – and that’s fine too!

Pregnancy tips at 37 weeks

Wondering what you should be doing at 37 weeks?

Here are a few tips:

  • Grab some diapers and formula (if you want to formula-feed). You’re gonna need a lot of diapers. Or you could look into cloth diapers for a reusable version. Want the best cloth diapers? EcoNaps are a top favorite in our Peanut Community for cute designs, sustainability, and ease of use.
  • Choose a pediatrician ‒ it’s totally OK to shop around and have chats with different doctors to find the right fit.
  • Get plenty of rest and relaxation ‒ you’re in the home stretch now, mama!
  • Keep up with your Kegels to help prepare for labor and childbirth.
  • Finalize your birth plan and don’t hesitate to ask other moms for their advice and experiences.
  • Pack your hospital bag with all the essentials and a few extra comforts from home.
  • Get the last baby gear you’ll need, and stock up on postpartum care items for yourself.
  • Keep track of baby’s movements and kick counts to ensure their health and well-being, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor if you have any concerns.
  • Stay on top of your prenatal appointments and check-ups, as your doctor may want to see you more often now.
  • Prepping some frozen meals ahead of time so that you have one less thing to worry about when baby arrives.
  • Install your car seat and get comfortable putting it in and out of your car.
  • Have a car safety check done, just to be on the safe side.
  • Enjoy some quality time with your partner and loved ones before your little one arrives ‒ you deserve it!

You’re in the home stretch, mama!

With only a few weeks to go, keep up the good work by taking care of yourself and your babe, staying prepared for labor, and enjoying these last moments before your little one arrives.

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